Augmented Reality 2017-05-30T09:19:47+00:00


A superimposition of genres of information – video, 3D models, images and so on – over everything print, ultimately resulting in an information dissemination and absorption experience that gets the message across unambiguously and easily. Augmented reality blurs the line between the real and the computer generated world by enhancing what we can see, and how we perceive.


We employ advanced Image Recognition algorithms which imbibe OCR as well to produce robust and stable overlays of media. Our implementation of marker image recognition is one of the best available in the market today.

Real Estate AR/VR

Real Estate AR/VR is an app that showcases the abilities of Param Labs and highlights our versatility in this vertical. Using the markers given, you can take a walk inside our offices in actual 360° image as well as 3D format.

Automobiles AR/VR

Automobiles AR/VR allows you to experience amazing cars using Augmented and Virtual Reality. Notice an advertisement printed somewhere and the car catches your eye? Scan the image using our app and access videos and links about the car. Not only that, you get to manipulate a 3D model of the car which will appear on the ad, allowing you to see the car from all sides, reduce/enlarge its size and move it around, also tap on the various available colour options to decide in which colour the cars looks the best to you.

Automobiles AR/VR

Automobiles AR/VR allows you to experience amazing cars using Augmented and Virtual Reality. Notice an advertisement printed somewhere and the car catches your eye? Scan the image using our app and access videos and links about the car. Not only that, you get to manipulate a 3D model of the car which will appear on the ad, allowing you to see the car from all sides, reduce/enlarge its size and move it around, also tap on the various available colour options to decide in which colour the cars looks the best to you.

pARam AR

Our flagship platform that provides a stunning and robust experience of Augmented Reality. Param AR will play your video right on the marked printed element which may be on paper, in magazines or even on wall/hoardings. With Param Ads you can even interact with the Augmented Models, like rotate, zoom and pan which gives you access to all the angles of the model.